Red Threads #Where is the Line?


Francisco Tomsich


Performance art happens in a specific time, in a concrete space, and no documentation or registry substitutes the uniqueness of the experience of having been there. Each performance creates a number of non-fixed images, stories, rumors, memories and narratives, sometimes contradictory, obfuscated, fragmentary. In Red Threads, we want to approach this phenomena by choosing one significant performance art piece from the past and therefore generating an exploration of its persistence on the bodies of the persons who were there or heard something about what happened there. Memories and remembrances from witnesses are able of being articulated as stories, discourses and images, and they can be represented in different ways. We are interested in how individuals and groups remember, articulate and tell stories about what happened in one performance art event from the past.

For the first research project we chose Franc Purg’s performance Where is the line?

Red Threads is an ongoing research project. For the second application of our research model, we have chosen TV Dražba (TV Auction, 2003) artwork from Martina Bastarda. The resear will be presented on 9. 10. 2019 in SCCA - Ljubljana.


This project and this exhibition was supported by numerous persons and relied on the generous help of many people. We can not forget to mention here: Barbara Borčič, Betina Habjanič, Kapelica Gallery, Lašić familly, Yasmin Martin Vodopivec, Tadej Pogačar, Franc Purg, SCCA-Ljubljana, Igor Španjol, Henrike Von Dewitz, Matías Zemljič and all the persons who accepted to be interviewed by us and let us show their testimonies here.


Photographies: Tomaž Šantl


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